Contact us today on 07765 145897 or 07492 904349 | We are open Mon-Sun |

Blended Learning

Several of our courses can now be achieved through “Blended Learning”

This means that 40% of the course can be done at home or in your office, on your own device. You are given time before the practical part of the course to complete online test.

Level 3 Qualifications

The majority of our first aid courses have now been upgraded to a Level 3 status. These include:

  • First Aid at Work
  • First Aid at Work Requalification
  • Emergency First Aid at Work
  • Paediatric First Aid Courses

Health & Safety Exec., Dept. for Ed., and Ofsted

First Aid Training (Bath) Ltd. certificates are issued under the FAIB and are recognised, acknowledged and accepted by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), the Department for Education and Ofsted.
Inspectors within HSE, DFE and Ofsted accept our certificates, which are valid for 3-years.


We have bought a semi-automatic Automated External Defibrillator.

HeartSine Samaritan 350P Semi-Automatic Defibrillator

This will be on hand during our courses in case anyone should be in need of this life-saving machine. As part of the course, we demonstrate how, when and why we should use this machine with children or adults who have stopped breathing.

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First Aid Training Bath Ltd. Company Registration Number 10303506. Registered office address 30 Park Road, Keysham, Bristol, United Kindom, BS3 IBU. Copyright 2020. All rights preserved. Member of FOFATO. Registration 75/99. Member of FAIB - The First Aid Industry Body. Created and designed by Tech ICS